Chair, Department of Art and Art History
Profesor of Art
University of Michigan-Flint
1977 Master of Fine Art-Painting, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
1975 Master of Art-Painting, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
1973 Bachelor of Science-Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
1972 Yale Summer School of Art and Music, Yale at Norfolk.
2014-18 HLC Academy on Persistence and Completion, co-chair
2012 AAC&U Student Success Institute-chair
2009 NACADA Academic Advising Summer Institute, chair
2007, 08, 09 Higher Learning Commission Self-Study Workshop
2007 AAC&U Network for Academic Renewal-GE and Assessment
2005 AAC&U Institute on General Education
2000 NCTLA and ACT Assessment Institutes
1997 Leadership Institute, Columbia University, NY, NY
Drawing Marathon, New York Studio School NY, NY
Chair, Department of Art and Art History 2016-Present
Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, University of Michigan-Flint
Beginning July 1, 2011 – present. Unit includes undergraduate initiatives and specific programs including Institutional Analysis, Undergraduate Admissions, a Student Success Center, the Honors Program, the Thompson Center for Learning and Teaching, the General Education, Assessment, K-12 and Community College partnerships, Higher Learning Commission Academy on Persistence and Completion and Reaccreditation, and Undergraduate Program Review.
Acting Chair, Program of Art and Art History as it forms its own department, Sept. 2015-present.
Chair, Department of Communication and Visual Arts, University of Michigan-Flint beginning August 1, 2010 and Ending July 1, 2011. With approximately 400 majors, 14 full time and 30 part time faculty, the department offers several degree programs including a BFA in Fine Arts-Studio, a BFA in Visual Communication, a BS in Art Education, a BA in Journalism and a BA in Communication. This position involves oversight of all aspects of the department including assessment, accreditation, budget, staff, hiring and evaluation of faculty, departmental administration of the Lecturer’s Employment Organization contract, scheduling of classes, space and equipment. Projects underway for this year include:
Re-examination of departmental Promotion and Tenure guidelines in light of the addition of Journalism, a debate team and coach, and an art historian to the tenure track faculty in the department.
Partnering with the School of Education and Human Resources toward NCATE accreditation with the K-12 program in Art Education and the Teacher’s Certificate Program in Speech.
As the ART Educational Partnership Agreement with Mott Community College (2+2) ends in August, 2011, plan and implement an improved and quality 4 year fine art studio program that meets the needs of students and addresses funding, space and budgetary implications.
Leading the department is efforts to integrate the portion of TV-28 allocated to CVA and best design, develop and fund a media program across the department.
Recruitment of two tenure track faculty members, one in art history (offer in progress) and the other in speech education-communication (finished successfully).
Acting Associate Provost and Dean of Graduate Programs, the University of Michigan-Flint, August 2009-July 2010 and August 2007-August 2008. This position involves oversight of Graduate Programs, including budget, program review, admissions, the Graduate Program Committee, and evaluation of staff. As Graduate Dean I was a member of the Executive Committee of the Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan. Information Technology Services, the Office of Research, IRB, Extended Learning and the International Center also report to the Associate Provost. Also served as interim director of both the Office of Research and the Thompson Center for Learning and Teaching as we conducted director searches 2009-2010. For both these years the Associate Provost and Dean of Graduate Programs, Dr. Vahid Lotfi, was asked to step in as Provost. He is now again serving in the capacity of Associate Provost and Dean of Graduate Programs.
Special accomplishment include:
Assisting the Institution in its decision to pursue NCATE over TEAK accreditation by facilitating workshops and consultant visits.
The addition of new graduate programs including the BS/MS in Chemistry and Biochemistry, the MLS in Theatre-Community, the MA in Arts Administration, The Doctor of Anesthesia Practice, the Doctor of Occupational Therapy, the Doctor of Nursing Practice and transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy including hosting a site visit by the Higher Learning Commission for the last two degree programs listed.
The University of Michigan-Flint received and enthusiastic recommendation for re-accreditation during the Fall 2009 semester. The offices of the Associate Provost and Dean of Graduate Programs hosted the resource room for the site visit. The room was a windowless internal space improved by a series of 5’ x 4’ painting of Flint completed by me.
Began a conversation with the Mott Foundation that has lead to a request for a full funding proposal for the launching of the MA Arts Administration Proposal.
Responsible for the operating budget of the Associate Provost group.
Acting Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Michigan-Flint. Jan. 1 through May 10, 2007. This was a one semester interim position while the Dean was on Sabbatical leave. The college is by far the largest academic unit at the university. Negotiated academic hires for the college.
Worked with the Executive Committee to manage college matters including those related to promotion and tenure.
Worked to continue the update of Promotion Standards for the college.
Managed personnel issues and participated in all appropriate college, university and community events.
Responsible for the operating budget of the college.
Chair, Department of Communication and Visual Art. University of Michigan-Flint 2005-2006, and 2007-summer. This position involves oversight all aspects of the department including budget, staff, hiring and evaluation of faculty, scheduling of classes, facilities and equipment.
Interim Director, Women’s and Gender Studies, (simultaneous with chair appointment) University of Michigan-Flint, 2005-06. In this position I scheduled classes, edited of newsletters, advised students in the WGS Minor, and also chaired a search committee for the first WGS Faculty Member.
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Michigan-Flint. July 1997 through August 2005. Responsibilities: With the Dean, manage and facilitate all operations in the college. Lecturer, clerical and P&A hires and support, scheduling of classes, spring and summer programming, assessment, budgetary oversight and various other duties for the College consisting of 23 departments and programs including seven graduate programs. Additional Duties:
Ex Officio member of the College of Arts and Sciences Executive Committee.
University Bargaining Team member for first Lecturers Employment Organization contract.
Dean’s representative on the College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee.
Dean’s representative on the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Standards Committee.
Space Allocation Committee member representing the academic deans.
Ad hoc Committee on Lab Fees, 1998
Member of Criterion 5, a committee working on Assessment & Self-Study for NCA site visit. 2000
Campus Master Plan update task force member. 2000
Chair, CAS ad hoc Committee on Space. 2001
Chair, Curricular Collaborations purpose group; Student Learning Task Force. 2003-04
University of Michigan bargaining team member with LEO (Lecturers Employee Organization) 2003-05
Co-Chair, Provost’s task force on revision of General education, 2004-2006
Chair, Dept. of Music/Art, University of Michigan-Flint, 1995-1997. Oversaw all functions of both the Music and Art programs including scheduling, hiring adjuncts, supervising applied music instructors, equipment, facilities, performances, tenure and promotion cases, scholarships and fund raising.
Additional Duties:
Conducted joint music/art faculty meetings.
Annual evaluations and merit pay recommendations for faculty and staff.
Complied the H.E.A.D.S. report for the National Schools of Music each year.
Council of Chairs member, Ad Hoc Committee on Chairs and Directors.
Director, Art Program, 1989-2000. Duties in this position include: Program growth and development, scheduling art courses, supervising budget, hiring faculty, designing and implementing new courses and new programs, supervising work study students, maintaining studios and art slide collection, ordering equipment, expendable supplies and slides. First art faculty position. First art degree approved in 1991.
Additional duties:
Author of the 1997 Assessment Plan for the Art Program. Author of the NCA Art Area Self-Study. Updated and approved by CAASP, May, 2001.
Designed and implemented a Bachelor of Science Degree in Art Education K-12, 1991; a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, 1993; Minor in Art History, 1999, a Teacher's Certificate Minor in Art, 1993; a Minor in Art, 1992; an OX Endorsement Major and Minor in Fine Art for Elementary Education, 1999. LX Art Specialist Endorsement 2004.
Designed and worked with architects on the renovation of the Pavilion Annex (studios) and submitted designs to expand studios into the State Office Building. Designed office, studio, and art history space in the White Professional/Classroom Building (old Autoworld Site), opened in summer 2002.
Ad-Hoc Space Committee for the State Office Building, 1993.
Fine Arts Gallery Committee, 1990-present.
Created a cataloged institutional art collection through the Office of Development, 1993. Over 500 pieces have been added to the collection since that time.
Developed a system to catalog art slides.Ordered and/or made and cataloged 6000 slides for the collection, 1989-1998.
Received a special acquisitions library grant for art in 1989 and since then have directed
Steadily increased funds for art books and periodicals in the library.
Organized, sought funding, and implemented annual juried student art exhibitions since 1992.
Instituted a Visiting Artist Program, 1992. Participants: Katherine Carter, Ralph Fasanella, Jacob Lawrence, and Jim Cogswell and others.
Founding Faculty member, Art Program, University of Michigan-Flint
University of Michigan-Flint: Professor of Art, 2009-present, Associate Professor of Art, 1994-2009; Assistant Professor of Art, 1988-1994; Visiting Professor of Art, Jan. 1987-May 1988. Taught four levels of Painting, Watercolor, Introduction to Visual Art (face-to-face and on-line), Introduction to Studio Art, Advanced Drawing, Drawing and Painting from Life, Mural Painting, Contemporary Global Art, Great Works of Art, Women as Artist, Introduction to Studio Art and the B.F.A. capstone course, Senior Seminar. Women’s and Gender Studies Steering Committee and Faculty, 1990-present. Program course: The History of Women as Artists. Master of Liberal Studies in American Culture Core Faculty and advisor 2002-present. Master of Arts in Arts Administration Core Faculty member 2009-present.
Teacher Certificate Program K-12 Art Education Advisor. Art and Communication Advisor.
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, Adjunct Instructor, September 1986 - January 1987. Introduction to Studio Art.
Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, Michigan, Adjunct Instructor, Art Department, 1985-87. Basic Drawing, Advanced Drawing, Life Drawing, and Art History Survey.
Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, Virginia. One semester replacement position as Department Chairperson and taught Airbrush Illustration and Serigraphy. 1985.
Assistant Professor, Art Department, 1981-83. Taught courses in Design, Painting, Drawing, Art History Survey: Ancient through Medieval and Renaissance to Modern. Developed a new courses in Video Art Production and an Exhibitions Seminar.
Lake Placid School of Art, Lake Placid New York Head of Painting, 1978-81. Taught courses in Painting, Art History Survey, Color Theory and Design.
Governor's State University, Park Forest South, Illinois, 1977-78. Community Professor, 2/3 position. Taught graduate Painting and developed a course in Advanced Perspective Drawing.
Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Illinois, Instructor, Basic Drawing, 1978. Basic Drawing.
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Teaching Assistant, Art, 1975-77. Instructor of record for Painting I and Basic Drawing and also assisted teaching, grading and conducting study sessions for Art Survey.
University SERVICE, Committee Work and Related Activities
University of Michigan-Flint representative for AAC&U LEAP State initiative. Michigan became a LEAP State in 2016
University of Michigan bargaining team member for initial LEO (Lecturers Employment Organization) contact in 2005 and most recent contract in 2014. LEO represents non-tenure track faculty aat the University of Michigan.
University representative to Mott Community College’s Ballenger Lecture Series Board
Critical Issues Forum committee, UM-Flint
NCATE accreditation/Education Unit Member 2008-present
Strategic Planning Task Force member 2010-Student Concerns
College of Arts and Sciences Executive Committee Fall 2010
Academic Affairs Advisory Committee 2007-2008 and 2009-2010
American Democracy Faculty Scholar 2008-2009
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Budget and Strategic Planning, 2008-10
Task Force on Academic Advising in the College of Arts and Sciences, chair, 2008-09
Chair, Higher Learning Commission Self Study group Criterion Two: Preparing for the Future, 2007-2009
Field Experience NCATE preparation committee. 2008-
Panel Member, Arts in the Academy, How women bring their art and the academic world together, March 25, 2009.
Host for Targeted visit by the Higher Learning Commission to review the proposals for a transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Both were recommended. 2008
Host for two visits by expert guests to help with UMF’s decision concerning whether to seek NCATE or TEAC accreditation. 2007, 2008
Organized an Expect Respect luncheon and panel discussion: Veiled in an Unveiled Culture: Being Muslim in the United States Post 9-11.
Roads Scholar Tour, University of Michigan May 2006
Representative to Senate Assembly 2007-2010
Extended Learning and Service Committee 2005-08
Executive Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, Winter term, 2006
Chair, search committee for Women and Gender Studies faculty search. 2006
Special Events Grant Recipient for the Student Show seven times…,Latest 2006
Search Committee for Director of University Outreach, Chair, 2005. Women and Gender Studies Program Director 2005-06
French Hall Design Development Committee-Subcommittee for Classrooms, IT Com and A/V. 2006
Committee on Curricular Reform, 2005-06, Charged by Chancellor Mestas and Provost Kay
Committee on Designing a Unified General Education for UM-Flint, co-chair with Donna Fry, charged by Provost McLaughlin. 2004-2005
Search Committee for Lecturer III in Graphic Design, Chair, 2005-06
Search Committee for Communication/Media Assistant Professor, committee member 2005-06
Search Committee for Art Historian, committee member 2004-05
Teaching Circle on Communication and Quilting, Circle Coordinator, 2004-05
Bargaining Team University Member, L.E.O. Lecturer’s Employment Organization-First Contract bargaining, 2003-2005
Women’s Educational Center Advisory Committee, Executive Board 2003-2007. Search Committee member, Director, Center for the Education of Women, 2004.
Search Committee Member, Theatre Department searches for Set Designer 2003 and Costume Designer, 2002
UM-Flint Art Project/Spanish Government Project committee 2002
Inauguration of Chancellor Juan Mestas Sub Committee 2000
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy (CAPTE) member of Site Team 2000
ACE American Council on Education-USA program on Academic Excellence and Cost Management 2000
Chair, Cooperative College Art Committee between Mott Community College and UM-
Flint, 1989-2000. This committee is the link between the two art areas in all matters relating to the 2 + 2 Art Program.
An articulation agreement between the two campuses concerning the art programs was signed in 1992.
Meeting of the Minds Presenter May 16, 1998, UM-Dearborn
Rackham Divisional Board member, 1997-1999. This board reviews and recommends action on
Fellowship proposals for the Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan.
Council of Chairs ad hoc Committee on Roles and Responsibilities of Chairs, 1996-97
Academic Plan Implementation Committee, 1996-1998
Chair of the Faculty Council, 1996-97, Secretary and Chair Elect of Faculty Council1995-96,
Member of Chancellor’s Leadership Team, 1996-97
Committee on Special Merit-CAS Ad Hoc Committee, 1995-96
CAS ad hoc Committee on the Role of Directors and Coordinators, 1994
Curriculum Planning Committee, appointed by the Chancellor, 1994. This committee
produced a five year Academic Plan for the University.
Chancellor Search Committee member, 1993
CAS Representative to the Faculty Assembly, 1990-93; Steering Committee, 1992-93
Special Events Committee, 1990-93; Chair, 1991-92
CAS College Appeals Panel, 1991
CAS Nominating Committee, 1988-89
Panel, Diversity Day, 1993: Women in the Arts.
1993 Teach-In: Assessing Students
Service to the Community and the Profession:
Alternative Spring Break 2009 to Montreal. Accompanied and worked with 19 other UMF students, faculty and staff volunteering and three agencies.
Alternative Spring Break 2008 to New Orleans. Accompanied and worked with 10 other UMF students and staff volunteering in the Lower 9th Ward.
Board of Directors, Buckham Gallery, 2009-
College Art Association-Chair of the Distinguished Teaching of Art Award Committee 2001-2004
YWCA Woman of Achievement 2003
Sobey School, Flint 2002 Painted a Mural in the Autitorium
Reviewer, Michigan Council for the Arts: Buckham Gallery 2003, 2004
Michigan ACE Network for Women in Higher Education 2002-2006
Flint City Art Advisory Council, Flint Cultural Center Corporation, Culturalize Your Classroom Advisory Council, 1997-98
Consultant, Developing a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, Saginaw Valley State Univ., Michigan
Outside Reviewer, Interdisciplinary Studies Program, University of Northern Colorado
Juror for over 50 art exhibitions, 1978-2010
2016 Flint Artists Invitational, Spiril Gallery, Grand Rapids, MI
Member's Annual Ehibition, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI
2015 Annual Members Show, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI
2013 Back to the Bricks, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI
2010 Women’s History Month Art Exhibit, group show, University of Michigan-Flint Fine Arts Gallery, March
2009 One Person Show, UM-Flint, Evidence Room, HLC
2009 Women’s History Month Art Exhibit, group show, University of Michigan-Flint Fine Arts Gallery, March
The Body Eclectic – 2009 February 4 - 28, group show, juried. Lawrence Street Gallery, Ferndale MI
24” Ours, Group invitational exhibit. Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI, Dec. 12 to Jan. 3
2008 Fifth Annual Michigan Invitational, They Practice what they Teach: A selection of Recent Paintings from
Michigan College and University Faculty June 29-Sept. 7, Saginaw Art Museum, Saginaw, MI.
Petty Treasons: Betraying the Standard, Sieradski, Sikora, Simons and Waters, Red Ink Studio, Flint, MI.
RECONNAISSANCE, Four Painters, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI NOVEMBER 14 - DECEMBER 6
Member Show at Buckham Gallery in December 2008
2007 Northbank Center Views, July through Sept 14, 2007, University of Michigan-Fine Art Gallery.
Regional Artists Exhibition, Buckham Gallery, Flint MI
UM-Flint 50th Anniversary Gallery Reopening Faculty Exhibit,
Small Works, Lawrence St. Gallery, Ferndale, MI
Weather Ball 50th Anniversary Exhibit, Citizens Bank, Flint, MI
Women’s History Month Exhibition, Fine Art Gallery, UM-Flint
Censorship and Art, Fine Art Gallery, UMFlint. Work included with others.
Curator, Art and Censorship Exhibition, March 2006, Fine and Gallery, UM-Flint. Panel member,
Art and Censorship: Skirmishes in the Cultural War.
2004 Members/Past Members, Buckham Gallery, Flint. MI
2003 Brighton Center for the Performing Arts, Brighton, MI Annual Member’s Exhibition, Greater Flint Arts Council
2000 Marian Wright Writing Center opening exhibition, The University of Michigan-Flint
Citizen’s Bank Exhibition of Faculty, University of Michigan-Flint
University of Michigan Flint at Citizen’s Bank with lecture on art in Public Places and Censorship by
Chris Waters and Darryl Baird. Citizens Bank Headquarters, Flint, MI
1998 Michigan Fine Arts Competition, Birmingham Bloomfield Art Association, Birmingham, MI
GFAC Annual All Media Members Exhibition, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint,
1997 Cajas de Visiones/Puppets Show, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI July-August, Invitational
7th All Media Michigan Art Competition, The Krasl Art Center St. Joseph, MI
Exotics: Botanicals by Michigan Artists, Art Museum Project, University of Michigan-Dearborn.
54th Regional Juried Exhibition, Sioux City Art Center
Art in Container/Contained Art, Central Michigan University Art Gallery, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Left Bank Gallery All Media Exhibition, Left Bank Gallery, Flint, MI
Our Visions, Women in Art, A National Women’s Art Exhibit. Oakland Community College Wallace
Smith Gallery, Farmington Hills, MI. Great Lakes Regional Art Exhibition, Arts Midland Galleries and
School, Midland Center For the Arts, Midland, MI.
1996 Regional Juried Exhibition, ARC Gallery, Chicago IL
Psychic Art Fair, Buckham Gallery, Flint Michigan
Working Artists III, Artists who are faculty at the University of Michigan-Flint. Fine Arts Gallery,
University of Michigan-Flint
1995 One Person Exhibition, Buckham Gallery, Flint MI
Canton Fine Arts Project, Canton Fine Arts Exhibition, 1995
Member Exhibition, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI
Group Drawing Show, Art Gallery, New York Studio School, NYC
Alma Print Show at Buckham Fine Arts Project
1994 Michigan Directions, Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, Michigan.
"10" Members Exhibit, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI.
Museum of Art & History, Port Huron, MI.
Virginia McCune Community Arts Center, Petoskey, MI.
Hillsdale College, Sage Center for the Arts, Hillsdale, MI.
26 Artists, The Schneberger Scholarship Collection, Fine Art Gallery, University of Michigan-Flint, Flint, MI.
CHINA, an Exhibition - Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI.
1993 1993 Michigan Watercolor Society Traveling Exhibit to: Holland Area Art Council, Holland, MI.,
Oakland County Galleria, Pontiac, MI., Wayne State University-Community Arts Gallery, Detroit, MI.,
Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI. William Bonifas Fine Arts Center, Escanaba, MI.,
Albion College, Bobbit Visual Arts Center, Albion, MI.,
Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI. Saginaw Art Museum, Saginaw, MI.
Northern Exposure, Invitational, Buckham Fine Arts Project, Flint, MI. Working Artists, A Faculty Exhibit,
UM-Flint, Flint, MI.
Chris Waters, One Person Exhibition, GMI Management and Engineering Institute, Flint
47th Annual Michigan Watercolor Society Exhibition, Dennos Museum Center, Traverse City, MI.
Work selected for Traveling Exhibition, Greater Flint Arts Council, six sites, January through June.
"Food", Buckham Fine Arts Project, Flint, MI.
1991 Working Artists, University of Michigan-Flint, Fine Arts Gallery.
Maggie Citrin, Helen Sadowski, Chris Waters, and Anne Hier at Buckham Gallery, Flint, Michigan.
Members Exhibition, Buckham Gallery, Flint, Michigan.
1990 MASKS, Buckham Fine Arts Project, Flint, Michigan.
Michigan Gallery, Detroit, Michigan, Exchange show Tour de Buckham.
Women's History Month Exhibit, Flint Public Library Main Branch.
1989 Chris Waters, Scott Brooks and Bill Stolpin at Buckham Gallery, Flint, Michigan.
Women's History Month Exhibit, Greater Flint Arts Council, Flint Public Library.
1988 One Person Exhibit, Mott Community College Fine Arts Gallery, Flint, Michigan.
Three Faces of U of M-Art, Work by Art Faculty from the three University of Michigan branches.
1987 41st Annual Michigan Watercolor Society Juried Exhibition. Birmingham-Bloomfield Art Association.
Traveling Exhibition, watercolor, juried: Saginaw Art Museum, Jesse Besser Museum-Alpena,
Flora Kirsch Beck Gallery, Alma College, Alma, Michigan; Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts;
William Bonifas Fine Art Center, Escanaba, Michigan; Traverse City Arts Council; Museum of Arts and History,
Port Huron, Michigan; Virginia McCune Community Arts Center, Petoskey, Michigan.
1986, 85 Faculty Exhibition, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Detroit Artists Market, juried exhibition, Detroit, Michigan.
Day of the Dead, National Invitational, University Art Center, Cameron University, Lawton, Oklahoma.
Faculty Exhibition, Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, Michigan. Sisson Art Gallery.
27th Annual Mid-Michigan Exhibition, Midland Center for the Arts, Midland, Michigan.
1984 Henry Ford Community College, Sisson Gallery, group exhibition.
1983, 82 Focus '83, juried: Painting and Drawing Exhibition, Focus Gallery, Detroit, Michigan.
Two-person Exhibition, Anderson/Waters, Emory and Henry College, Fine Arts Gallery, Emory, VA
Group Exhibit, Harrison Jones Memorial Gallery, Bristol, Virginia.
Highlands Annual Juried Exhibition, Abingdon, Virginia.
1981, 80 One Person Exhibit, Main Gallery, Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, Virginia.
Faculty Exhibition, Lake Placid School of Art, Lake Placid, New York. (1981, 80, 79)
North Country Juried Exhibition, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York.
1979, 78 One Person Exhibit, Art Gallery, Governor's State University, Park Forest South, Illinois.
Contemporary Painting in America, Invitational, Jamestown Community College, Jamestown, New York.
3rd Dixieland Postcard Exhibition, St. John's College, Laurensburg, North Carolina.
One Person Exhibit, Theatre Arts Gallery, Chicago, Illinois.
1977, 76 Paintings You Can Live With, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Gallery Annex,
Wisconsin Video Theatre Building, Madison, Wisconsin.
Paintings from Madison, Traveling Exhibition, Payne Art Center, Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
Bergstrum Art Center, Neenah, Wisconsin, and six other art centers in Wisconsin and Illinois.
Thrust Theatre Juried Exhibition, Thrust Theatre, Madison, Wisconsin.
VIDEO, N.A.M.E. Gallery, Chicago, Illinois.
A Week of Video, Wisconsin Institute for Intermedia Studies, Madison, Wisconsin.
951 at 853, Gallery 853, Madison, Wisconsin.
Midwest Erotic Art Show, Gallery 853.
Punk Art in America, Theatre Annex, Wisconsin Video Theatre, Madison, Wisconsin
Council of Graduate Schools 2007-present
PHI BETA DELTA Honor Society for International Scholars since 2009
Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences 1997-2005
Golden Key Society since 2004
Founders Society, Detroit Institute of the Arts and Flint Institute of Art.Since 1980’s
Friends of Modern Art, Flint Institute of Art since 1988
College Art Association.Since 1975.Teaching Excellence Awards Committee 2001-2004.Chair, 2002-2004
Phi Kappa Phi, Educational Honors Society, the University of Wisconsin
Buckham Gallery, Flint, Michigan, Since 1987.Board of Directors, 1989-1992
Member, Greater Flint Arts Council Since 1990
American Democracy Project Faculty Fellow, 2008-09
Golden Apple Teaching Awards 08, 06
Annual Fund Grant to purchase student art for the Arts in the Legislature Program 2008, 2009
Special Events Awards to support Student Exhibitions, 2006, 1994,95,97,98,99,2000
Research and Creative Activity Grant: 2006
YWCA Award, Women of Achievement, 2003
Recipient of the 1997 Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Distinguished Faculty Award for Senior Faculty
Software Grant for Adobe teaching software, 1997
Liquitex Paint grant for Mural Project and class, 1996
Professional Development Award for New York Study, 1994.
Sabbatical grant to rent studio, from OVPR, Ann Arbor, 1994
Professional Development Award for research of Solvent-Free Paints, 1993.
Special Merit Award for Service and Teaching, 1993.
Special Merit Award for Service, 1990
Received a grant from the Earl-Beth Foundation for renovation of the Fine Art Gallery, 1991.
1976 and 1977, Vilas Fellow, University of Wisconsin.
1972 Appointment, Yale Summer School of Art and Music.
Dean's List, all semesters in college